Tytuł: Getting Auditory Synthesis Issue Wiadomość wysłana przez: shepard Stycznia 03, 2022, 12:14:36 Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen,
What support path to choose for a child who has problems with auditory synthesis? We got to the FA paradigm. OLA's sentence HAS CHAIRS. And so: the first two words the boy (4 years old) will read, and the CHAIR reads as TELE ... Quite a long time ago I introduced the auditory sequences - "SEQUENTIAL DOG" (initially the boy indicated the first and last "product" that the dog should eat), chatrooms (https://chat-rooms.website/) but now no problem with that. How to enter three-syllable words? Thanks for every comment and remarks. Regards, Martyna Chmielewska-Lelakowska Tytuł: Odp: Getting Auditory Synthesis Issue Wiadomość wysłana przez: Mathew23 Kwietnia 20, 2023, 02:58:39 Even though their hearing is normal, they have difficulty recognizing — or correctly registering — what others are saying and recalling what they hear. Because they misunderstand the sounds of different retro bowl (https://retrobowlgo.com/) words, they have difficulty learning to read and expressing themselves clearly.